We should receive your company's listing details on a scheduled nightly basis. We will notify you if we have not received a file from you prior to our company's 7 day expiration time frame. This notification is to make you aware that your listings are at risk of expiring on the LeadingRE site.
The motivation behind why we have implemented an “expired listings” policy is simply to avert broken links to property listings (i.e., a listing may have gone "off market" on a member's site but is still listed as "on market" on site because the listings file to LeadingRE.com has not been updated; thus, there is a broken link from LeadingRE.com to the member's site). The user’s experience is our main concern and clicking on a broken link can negatively affect the view of LeadingRE.com and possibly members' sites. Our goal is to provide the consumer with a first-class and friendly user experience.
Our plan is to follow-up individually with each company that has not updated its listings file to LeadingRE.com. There is no need to be troubled, if you are at risk of having your listings expire, you will receive notification emails from us before anything happens.