LeadingRE.com only displays listings for areas we recognize your company as servicing in our referral system database - Xchange. If some of your listings are not showing up on the site - it's likely because we do not recognize your company as servicing an area. If you would like to add a city to your coverage area, please Submit a request.
Please note: LeadingRE.com allows contiguous cities to be represented on site when we are supplied listings for that city. In other words, if you have at least one city in Xchange in a given state, we recognize listings for that entire state.
To see a list of areas we recognize your company as servicing, please go to the member directory (http://www.leadingre.com/OurCompanies), type in your company name, click search, select your company and expand the "List of Coverage Areas" button located on the upper right side of the page.